Wednesday, December 3, 2014

God is >

I sat in a classroom today observing a student with behavior problems as the teacher taught the math concept of "greater than" and "less than". Usually when I'm observing a student and collecting data I am super focused on the student, carefully tracking their behaviors in an attempt to develop a behavior plan to help them be successful at school. I love this part of my job and find sitting in classrooms really interesting. At times I get distracted by the teachers cutesy themes, piles of papers or by the kiddo not on my caseload who probably should be. 

Today smack dab in the middle of a math lesson I was distracted and God spoke to me. As the teacher drew the > ( greater than) and < (less than) signs on the board it hit me. God is greater than. I began thinking of all the things in my life that God is >.

God is > my fear.
God is > my OCD.
God is > my insecurities.
God is > church drama.
God is > my bank account.
God is > my family.
God is > worries about the future.
God is > disappointment.
God is > car problems.
God is > toddler tantrums.
God is > addiction.
God is > health problems.
God is > grief.
God is > work stress.
God is > my failures.
God is > my best friend.
God is > flat tires.
God is > test results.
God is > my doubt.

At first a few "God is greater than" statements came to mind but on my drive home the list kept growing. 

During the math lesson I observed,  I didn't know that a few hours later I would get some shocking news. Not a life or death thing, but still news that makes you stop in your tracks. I was reminded of the > symbol the teacher wrote on the board. God is greater than bad news! 

We serve a greater than God. No matter what you are facing today, know that God is greater.

Live fully present in the moment knowing that God is > (fill in the blank).

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pinterest Perfection

I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest.

A friend of mine recently posted a picture of her Pinterest fail. You know the hilarious attempts at recreating the picture perfect Pinterest creations that go wrong. It got me thinking about the many imperfections in my own life.

This time of year especially, has me fully aware of my imperfections. As I look for the perfect Christmas gifts, plan the prefect party, and worst of all...create the prefect Christmas card, I am fully aware of my not so perfect pinterest life. Last year we had an amazing professional and talented photographer friend gift us with family pictures. Each photo was natural yet perfectly posed and edited to beautifully capture my little family of three. I was so excited to create the prefect Christmas card and send it to all my friends my family who keep and frame the photo each year. This year we will have an unedited fully present in the moment photo for our Christmas card. I'm a little embarassed to admit it, but now that I'm back on facebook...I am embarassed that we didn't budget for the traditional color coordinated, perfectly posed photo shoot with the changing leaves in the background to compete with all the other pinterest worthy Christmas cards.

I'm the first to admit I spend way too much time scrolling through Pinterest pinning recipes I will never make, pinning articles that catch my attention but not long enough to fully read and looking our outfit ensembles that are way beyond my goodwill budget. The mindless scrolling is entertaining, but also causes me to conceal my imperfections.

I'm also a fan if instagram but before I post a pic I make sure the piles of laundry aren't in the background exposing my imperfect housekeeping abilities. Sucking in the post baby belly in an attempt to look skinnier than my "soft" body as described by my now three year old "baby". I take and retake pics to show my miracle baby with her cutest smile as if the fact that her life is a miracle isn't enough.

Reality is we all do it! We put our best pics out there for the world to see hiding the imperfections of our lives. I am more and more convinced that I can't talk about being fully present in the moment if I'm not embracing the imperfect parts of my life. This Fall I was intentional about using the #fullypresentfall hashtag after my pics on instagram.

As I process the ins and outs of this beautifully imperfect life I want to tell teen girls (or not so teen girls) obsessed with selfies, tired moms buried in dirty dishes and laundry and widowed warriers holding back tears... YOU ARE NOT PERFECT. IT IS OKAY. I AM NOT PERFECT. What would happen if we stopped posting our fake lives on facebook and embraced our beautifully authentic fully present life.

Fully present in the moment...imperfections and all.