Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lessons I've learned from my 2 year old

Tonight as I drove home from work it hit me...I have been a mom for two years. I feel as if I have hit a motherhood milestone. Sometimes I think wow, I've only been a mom for two years, I have so much to learn. Other days like today I think, wow I have been a mom for two years, I have learned so much! 

Lessons I have learned from my two year old:

-In her eyes reading books together is more important than putting away folded laundry. So if you step foot in her room you will find a pile of books next to a pile of clean laundry.

-Bad mornings can be fixed by taking naps. We all new a do-over from time to time and some days I need the nap more than my two year old.

-To Addyson I am the most beautiful person in the world. Why can't I see myself like she sees me?

-There are moments when I want to stick my two year old in a time out, but what she really needs is my time. I am discovering that in those moments when I hold her and talk quietly in her ear, she settles down in a way that is more effective than any cool down or time out.

-Dancing can make everything better. 

-Boo boos happen and when they do sometimes all you need is to cry and then hear someone say "it's gonna be okay"

-It's okay to skip washing your hair in order to have more time with you kiddo before you have to go to work.

-Addyson doesn't care what kind of car we drive, how big our house is or how much money is in our bank account...she cares much more about tea parties and watching Curious George.

-Working outside the home doesn't make me a bad mom.

-Bath time is way less of a chore when I just plan to get soaked and have lots of towels handy.

-A rough lesson for this OCD mama is that even though the way daddy does things isn't always how I would do it, doesn't mean its better or worse than my way. And as long as Addyson is safe and happy, it's gonna be ok.

-Cleaning up puke is way easier when you are staying in a hotel and have housekeeping available at your finger tips.

-That cute little art project you saw on Pinterest had to have been done by a professional artist and not a mom and a toddler. Cause after our last art project I ended up with marker on my forehead and didn't know until I was getting ready to head out the door for work. We have since invested in washable markers!

-Its really not the end of the world if your toddler insists on wearing dress up clothes to the grocery store. Pick your battles, smile and use it as a teachable moment showing her you are proud of her no matter what strangers say or who stares.

-Avoid telling your toddler that Poppy and Gmama are coming to visit unless they are actually in the drive way and getting out of the  car.

-Do not underestimate the importance of other mommy friends. Make time to get together with them regularly with and without kids.

-Start and end everyday talking to The Lord. Share your struggles, cry out for help, pray for strength, guidance and wisdom. I have learned that when I let my worry rule my mind, I am not honoring The Lord. 

-One of the most important lessons I have learned in all of my two years of experience is that I may not be a perfect mom, but I am the perfect mom for Addyson.

Last I have learned to cherish this stage because I will never again have this day and this moment with my precious Addyson. Be fully present in the moment!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"I will call upon your name"

I keep hearing this song on the radio and I can't get it out of my head. Funny how God speaks to me through odd things like song lyrics or Addyson's laugh or a kid at work. 

This week The Lord has definitely gotten my attention trough the words of this song. And last night as my hubby and I drove to meet some teens at Buffalo Wild Wings we heard it again. The words are so powerful and seem to fit exactly where I'm at right now. 

"When oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace" This week I have felt like the waves were sweeping me under. Thankfully today we leave for the D6 conference in Louisville, KY. I am so ready for this time away and to be renewed and encouraged, to learn about how to minister better to families and to be off work so I can spend time with my family. To spend some time resting in Him.

I'm ready to rest in His embrace...living fully present in the moment.

Below is the link to the song Oceans (where feet may fail). 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Warning: I'm about to get real honest!

Last night in our small group my hubby and I shared our story. It's funny how daunting the task is when you have the same "I grew up in a christian family" story as everyone else in the room. But we shared openly about the challenges we face. Challenges of being in ministry and yet being so tired at the same time. The disappointments, struggles and desire to not wear the happy face.  

I think one of our greatest challenges rightnow is  breaking   through what we call "affluenza". We can't change the fact that our church is made up of affluent families and centered in an affluent community, but we feel called to break down that barrier and meet needs.

Let's be honest, sometimes I feel unaccepted in my own church because we don't live in a big house on the "right" side of town. I'm not able to be a traditional stay at home mom and we don't drive nice cars or wear the clothes you wear. We are simply doing the best we can to get by. We struggle to pay bills and make ends meet. We are bargain hunters and cut coupons. We rent a townhouse and love when friends bless us with hand me downs. 

Let me be honest...We are so blessed! That town house we rent is our home. It's where our daughter learned to walk. We don't have a lot but we have more than others. Before we put  Addyson   to bed at night we pray as a family and talk about the day. Those are the things that make me feel like the richest woman in the world. We have an amazing group of friends who support us and send us encouraging "perfect timing" text messages or calls or cards. We are able to serve teens who go into our pantry and fridge and literally help themselves to whatever they find. They even ask what brand is this?...when they hold  food from Aldi :) 

So to be perfectly honest I have the same dreams as you even though I don't look like you or live like you. 

Lately my heart has been so broken for others. I have had the opportunity since January to get to know a man who sells The Contributer, a newspaper written and sold by former or current people who are homeless. His smile and cheerfulness would greet me each Monday, Wednesday and Friday as I would stop and get a sweet tea from McDonald's before going to teach at Trevecca. I got worried this summer that something happened to him since he wasn't at his usual spot. Knowing he had suffered through pneumonia this spring I feared the worst, that he had died. A couple weeks ago on a Saturday morning we saw him and stopped to catch up. He shared joyfully how blessed he is and had a construction job that allowed him to work and as a result wasn't having to sell the paper as much. He was so honest and appreciative for the job he had but also for the opportunity to work.

I felt like a proud mama in a weird way because I knew a tiny bit of his struggles from our weekly chats and coffee/Contributer exchange. 

I guess to be honest I'm tired of church and Christians not being Christ. I want to be part of a people who love God and love others more than anything else.  

I want to live out James 4:7-10 "so let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet."

Just want to be honest. The fun and games are over, I want to get serious about serving and living for Him.