Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"I will call upon your name"

I keep hearing this song on the radio and I can't get it out of my head. Funny how God speaks to me through odd things like song lyrics or Addyson's laugh or a kid at work. 

This week The Lord has definitely gotten my attention trough the words of this song. And last night as my hubby and I drove to meet some teens at Buffalo Wild Wings we heard it again. The words are so powerful and seem to fit exactly where I'm at right now. 

"When oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace" This week I have felt like the waves were sweeping me under. Thankfully today we leave for the D6 conference in Louisville, KY. I am so ready for this time away and to be renewed and encouraged, to learn about how to minister better to families and to be off work so I can spend time with my family. To spend some time resting in Him.

I'm ready to rest in His fully present in the moment.

Below is the link to the song Oceans (where feet may fail). 

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