Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Kingdom

The summer of 2008 I spent a month serving through Nazarene Disaster Response after Iowa was devastated by flooding. It was the first time I experienced the Kingdom of God. Before going to Iowa I only thought of the Kingdom of God as going to heaven, something far off.

My faith deepened the summer I was in Iowa. I will never forget getting the call that they needed traumatologist to go and help the flood victims and first responders deal with the emotional effects of disaster. I knew I had to go.

 I fell in love with serving. It was as if the broken pieces of my life became whole as I lived out of a suitcase, took cold showers and ate from Red Cross trucks. I truly believe God used that trip to open my eyes to the selfishness that consumed me. I saw, touched, smelled, experienced and ate things that my OCD self never even imagined was possible. 

That month changed my heart. It changed my heart to see people differently. It's funny how this week has reminded me of that month in Iowa years ago.

This week my husband and I have been with our teens on a mission trip in Flint, Michigan.

I have seen the Kingdom this week. I am seeing a glimpse of Christ. I see Christ in our teens as they serve and I see Christ in the eyes of people we are serving.
I saw the Kingdom this week at the Detroit tigers game when one of our teens traded seats so a dad and his son could sit next to each other at their very first baseball game. The Kingdom of God is at baseball games.

I see the Kingdom in my husband who has a passion for helping teens learn to love God and love others even though at some point on every youth trip he says "I think I'm too old for this."

I saw the Kingdom when nine year old Darnell got a bike and then came back and waited with us on the bounce house company to come pick up the bounce house he played in. I saw the Kingdom in my brother who let Darnell play games on his phone while we waited. We found out Darnell wants to be a lawyer when he grows up or a cage fighter if being a lawyer doesn't work out. I saw the Kingdom in my brother as he talked to Darnell. I saw the Kingdom in Darnell.

I saw the Kingdom in our teens as they boarded up houses, painted, worked together carrying tools, lumber and swaped chips on our lunch break. They were exposed to things so far from their suburban Ray-Ban Sperry Starbucks Chaco lives. Their eyes were opened to communities and people much different from their own. They learned a lesson on the "tour of Flint" when they laughed at and took pictures of the guy in front of Taco Bell. They won't forget him as later that night they were challenged to see people as "their true selves, their child of God selves." Teens are the Kingdom no matter where they come from.

I saw the Kingdom as children's eyes lite up as they rode new bikes. I saw the Kingdom as people ate hot dogs and burgers. As the grill fired up and people came out they experienced the Kingdom. 

I saw the Kingdom in the mom who came on the trip and cooked our meals. She cooked without complaining. She kept us well fed and made sweet tea. Yes, I saw the Kingdom in a glass of cold sweat tea!

I see the Kingdom in my parents who tirelessly cared for Addyson so we could be free to be with our teens.  I see the Kingdom when our teens love Addyson. When she sees them and their eyes light up, when they include her and stop what they are doing to talk to her. They are showing her what the Kingdom looks like. I see the Kingdom every time I look at my miracle baby.

The Kingdom of God is near. It's 10 hours from where I live, it's in my neighborhood, it's in our youth ministry. The Kingdom is here. I want to have Kingdom eyes. Where do you see the Kingdom?

Being fully present in the moment helps me see the Kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful share! Yes, the Kingdom of God is so present. May the blessings continue to be so evident in your daily experiences!
