There are so many things I wish I could tell you. So many things you need to know, things I wish you realized.
18 year old Me, you have no idea what the world holds for you and all that is ahead. The worries you have pale in comparison to what the Lord has planned for your life.
That boy you like, the one who you think is so good for you, he is nothing compared to the man God has planned for you to marry. Be patient even when you have dates in your dorm with Ben and Jerry (ice cream). Your husband is funny, smart, and has a heart for ministry that matches your hearts desire so well. He is worth the wait.
That dream wedding is nothing to the actual wedding you will have. All the primping you do now for boys won't really matter to the man who will one day find you to be the most beautiful woman alive, even in a t shirt jeans and no makeup. Your future husband, he loves you for who you are, not for what you look like. I wish you knew would save your heart from disappointment because the boys you like now are not worth the trouble.
Dear 18 year old me, the loneliness you feel at times, well I can't say it will end, but you will learn how to face it. You won't spend hours in the gym, trying to make your body look good enough. It won't be fixed with surrounding yourself with people and even changing who you are to fit in. You see the loneliness you feel will only be fixed with having a longing for The Lord and seeking Him daily. It just can't be fixed with people, food, shopping, guys or anything but The Lord.
That homecoming queen that you are so jealous of, she will become one of your best friends. She will pray for you, accept you, encourage you and your kids will be best buddies. Stop judging people who are prettier than you. You are beautiful in your own way.
18 year old me, cherish the days of late night pizza runs, girl talks in the dorm room, attending a christian university and eating in the cafe with friends. There will be a day that you sit with your toddler and eat lunch while you wait for the babysitter to come so you can go to work. Life isn't better or worse now, it's just different. Enjoy this carefree time in your life.
Cherish the time with your family, there will be a day when seeing them will be quick. But don't worry technology will evolve and you will FaceTime them.
18 year old me, always do your best, be honest, love the unloveable, never give up, pray without ceasing, trust the one who created you and serve Him.
Most of all live fully present in the moment.
Wise thoughts and well said.