Saturday, November 29, 2014

"Are you really soooo OCD?"

I saw a dear friend last week who asked about my blog and why I havne't been writing lately. To be honest, with you I have been writing, but haven't been posting. Life has been busy and I have spent the last couple months taking a break from the online world.

 For me the fall months and season changes, especially when the time changes, are my most difficult months. I can't really pin point any one thing that causes this time of the year to be so challenging. I think that with the start of my new job and working full time, Addyson starting preschool, youth ministry and leading our girls small group, not to mention the onset of flu season I often find myself in an OCD danger zone. It is so easy to over committ and underprepare. I am not unike most people who like the extra hour of sleep but hate the sun ging down earlier and changes that the "fall back" bring. But for my OCD brain I tread in dangerous waters. 

In October I started to feel myself getting into the dangerous deep end of OCD habits. I discovered that I was spending too much time online, specifically scrolling facebook and reading about ebola, stomach viruses, and flu shots. I decided the newsfeeds of my friends were causing me to obsess. This "great thing" became a destructive thing, causing the obsessive thoughts to spiral out of control. So I knew it was up to me to do something different, and for me that meant limiting my access to media, disabling my facebook account and  being fully present in my real life. Now this isn't a post to pass judgment on facebook or the greator illusion it brings. But I hate to break it to ya...our facebook lifes just aren't real. They don't show the messiness of the real lives we live each day. And my messy life involves living every day with an OCD monster.

 In my attempt to process my real struggles all while helping others, I came across the International OCD Foundation. One of my persoal pet peeves and insult to all people who live with OCD is when people casualy use the phrase "I'm so OCD" I have blogged about it before and loved that this years OCD week (October 13-19) brought awareness to this very thing. 

As the fall months turn to winter, which will soon bring on a new year, I am ready to face the online world again. 

So...for my handfull of readers...i'm back and... living more fully present in the moment than ever before!

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