Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Message to Moms

If you are a mom you know the feeling. The feeling of someone staring, glaring and silently judging. If you aren't a mom you may have been the one staring, glaring and silently judging. I can admit that pre-Addyson I would stare at the mom in the grocery store with the kicking and screaming tantrum child. I'm sure I even glared and judged the mom giving her kiddos a happy meal for dinner.

Hear me out, this isn't a post to make you feel guilty , cause all moms know mommy guilt is rampant enough in my own mind and don't need anyone to affirm or add to it. It's not about debating controversial parenting methods.

This is a shout out to all the good moms! I think it's time women, especially moms, stop judging each other and start to encourage one another. I had breakfast yesterday with a mommy friend and welaughed  about the pressure we feel to make a perfect lunch for our kiddos but agreed that sometimes it's just easier to go through Sonic. I sat across the table from one of the best moms I know of and felt a sense of commraderie. Not only did I get some ideas from her since she has the advantage of having been a mom longer, but I left encouraged that I'm not the only one who struggles with wanting to be seen as a good mom.

So if you go through the dive thru for dinner, it's're a good mom!

If your kid is wearing a swim diaper because you forgot to buy's're a good mom!

If you put head phones in at night to get a good nights sleep and let daddy get up during the night with's're a good mom!

If you pack and send all organic lunches with your kid to's're a good mom. If you don''s okay...your still a good mom!

If you have ever locked yourself in the bathroom while your newborn baby "cries it out"... It's're a good mom!

If you give in after hearing your baby cry for 39 minutes's okay... You're  a good mom!

If you give your toddler a cookie at chic-fil-a it's're a good mom.

If your kid has a temper tantrum in the middle of target and the married-with-no-kids lady stares you down the's okay...your a good mom!

If you dump out your two year olds Halloween candy bag  and refil it with pretzels and gold's're a good mom!

If you don't bathe your child every's okay...your a good mom!

If you have unwashed dishes in the's're a good mom!

If you feed your daughter sonic grilled cheese sandwhiches because you know it's the only thing she will's okay...your a good mom!

If your child has an ear infection and you had no's're a good mom!

The truth is we all make mistakes, we are all trying to figure this mommy job out. Just when I think I've got this mommy thing figured out, a new stage comes and with it brings questions. For me I have found that the key is to surround myself with fellow mommies who can support and encourage me! I am also learning to be more confident of my mom ability because I'm the only mom Addyson has and I am her perfect mom. So please for the sake of all mommies, stop judging each other and encourage each other. Live fully present in the moment and remind yourself it's okay...your a good mom!


  1. Many years ago a young Christian friend who was a teen then asked me how I could forgive my dad for the things he'd done. I had thought about it off and on since becoming a parent myself, and what i had long since realized is that as parents, we all do the best we can with whatever tools we have in our repertoire at the time. There is no sense blaming someone for something they didnt know how to do. Blessings upon your discover of this and sharing it on your blog!

  2. Ha, I just took Anja in for a well-child check up this week and they diagnosed an ear infection. This momma had no clue...thanks for the blog post. You are a good mom and a wonderful woman of Christ. I love your posts.
